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6 Tips to Up Your Game in Virtual Meetings

Virtual meetings have become a way of life for most of us. We’re selling, collaborating, and socializing online — pretty much from anywhere except our pre-pandemic offices.

But just because we’ve become comfortable doing business virtually doesn’t mean we’ve all gotten good at it. Loud background noises? Dropped calls? Wardrobe malfunctions? Chances are you’ve recently witnessed one of these bloopers.

You really don’t want all eyes on you during the next meeting mishap. Check out these six tips for effective virtual meetings:

  1. Power up. A bad connection in the middle of a client meeting can be bad for business. If you’re having problems ensuring a clear and consistent WIFI connection, do the research to upgrade your broadband. 
    Pro tip: Move to voice only if your connection is messing up the video. Or use your phone as a hotspot.
  2. Do a test drive. Using unfamiliar technology with a new client? Test it with a friendly audience first to work out any kinks with the audio and video. 
    Pro tip: Find the mute button and stay on mute when you’re not talking.
  3. Look behind you. Use a background from your virtual platform that conveys professionalism, confidence and warmth. A solid-color screen is a safe choice. Save the Game of Thrones background for your weekend family chat. If your background is the space behind your chair, simple items — like a healthy plant or a vase of flowers — are a nice touch. 
    Pro tip: Clear the clutter in your space. Don’t let your co-workers or clients see dirty breakfast dishes or a pile of laundry.
  4. Get the light right. Adjust the lighting or your position in the room so the light is coming from in front of you. Natural light from a window is ideal, but a lamp can be helpful, too. Lighting that comes from behind can make you appear silhouetted and cast shadows on your face. 
    Pro tip: Open a white image or a blank Word document on another monitor to use as a light source on your face.
  5. Dress the part. Although business casual has become the norm, dressing too informally can detract from your image. A professional look — at least from the waist up — can add normalcy to your workday during a time when things may seem anything but normal. 
    Pro tip: Avoid distracting slogans, logos, and small stripes and prints, which can pixelate on camera.
  6. See eye to eye. Even remotely, making eye contact with attendees contributes to the success of a meeting. If your camera isn’t part of your primary monitor, buy a webcam and position it so you’re looking directly at it. 
    Pro tip: Adjust your equipment so your entire face is visible and centered. Don’t make it look like you’re peeking over a fence.

Make your visual presence memorable for the right reasons. If you’re already practicing everything on this list — congratulations! We can’t wait for our next meeting with you.


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6 Tips to Up Your Game in Virtual Meetings

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