Don't Hit a Snag Over Product Training
Have you been caught in this frustrating situation? You work with a client to complete the paperwork for an annuity from The Standard. You send it in expecting the policy will be issued in time for the next commission cutoff. Then you get an email saying that because you haven’t completed product training, we can't issue the contract.
Read on for key information to help you avoid this situation.
In most states, the 2010 NAIC Suitability Model — or a version of it — requires producers to complete company-specific training before selling any products, including SPIA products. We recommend that you complete annuity product training before you solicit business. The Standard’s training features a short slide show describing our products.
Even if you’re now selling in a state that doesn't require the training, taking it now means you’re covered if that state adopts the model or you start selling in a state that requires it.
Our training platform has recently moved to RegEd, an industry standard for annuity training. If you have already completed our product training, no action is needed. You don’t need to retake it on RegEd.
About RegEd product training:
- Once you have selected your distributor option, choose “Complete NAIC Product Training” and continue to RegEd. Make note of your just-in-time code we provide in the pop-up text. You will need to use this code on the RegEd website to access your training. Example: SIC-ABC
- Unaffiliated producers will use our standard training code.
- Producers affiliated with our listed distributors will have a unique training code.
- For step-by-step directions, view our product training instructions. These are also located on your distributor page in the Resources box.
If you have questions about The Standard’s product training, please contact our Annuity Sales Team at 800.378.4578 or send us a message.