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Sales Idea: Score Big With Legacy Max

Discover how to jumpstart sales conversations using “Score Big With Legacy Max.” This concept uses a baseball-themed story to explain the dual growth components of the Legacy Max enhanced death benefit rider,1 available exclusively on the Enhanced Choice Index Plus. 

Your playbook for retirement Imagine a game where every inning counts — where you’re not just keeping score but building your legacy. With Legacy Max, you get to play with two scorecards simultaneously, side by side.

  • Scorecard #1 keeps it simple. 6 runs every inning.
  • Scorecard #2 doubles your score. Take the actual runs scored during the inning and double it!

Your Legacy Max official runs scored for the inning is the greater of both scorecards. It’s a win-win situation, ensuring your legacy grows inning after inning. The game goes on for at least seven years, or until you reach 85 years old — whichever comes later. 

Price to play 

The ticket prices represent the annual fee you pay to enjoy the benefits of Legacy Max. Your price to play varies by age. Here’s how it works:

  • For issue ages up to 69, your ticket costs 0.80% of the annuity value each year.2
  • For issue ages 70-80, your ticket costs 1.20% of annuity value each year.2 Legacy Max is your ticket to success. Play the game, build your legacy and enjoy the rewards for years to come. 

Additional Legacy Max features:

  • Available up to age 80 at issue
  • RMD friendly
  • Partial interest crediting available
  • No medical underwriting
  • The death benefit base is limited to the greater of:3
    • 125% of your surrender value excluding any market value adjustment 
    • The total premium accumulated at 10% annually, but not to exceed 250% of the total premium — minus any withdrawals, including surrender charges 

How do withdrawals affect the benefit amount? 

Non-qualified contracts funded with after-tax dollars: Withdrawals will reduce the death benefit values in the same proportion that the withdrawal reduces the annuity value.4 Qualified contracts funded with pre-tax dollars: Withdrawals up to the required minimum distribution amount will reduce the death benefit values dollar for dollar by the amount of the withdrawal. All other withdrawals will reduce the death benefit values in the same proportion that the withdrawal reduces the annuity value. 

If death occurs in the middle of a year, what happens? 

We’ll recalculate the death benefit from the date of death to include partial-year interest crediting. What are the payout options? The death benefit payout options include:

  • Lump sum 
  • Life income — with or without guarantee periods
  • Joint and survivor income options — with or without guarantee periods
  • Guaranteed income payments over a chosen period


Sales Idea Flyer

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Score Big With Legacy Max

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