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Connect With Policyowners About Updated I&P Coverage Increases

You may have seen our recently increased coverage Issue & Participation limits on Platinum Advantage fully underwritten policies.

Now is the perfect time to visit with your customers who already have Platinum Advantage to see if they’re eligible for more coverage. Don’t forget that policyowners who had previously reached their I&P limit may now be eligible for more with their next increase under the Benefit Increase Rider.

Who’s Affected By This Change?

We increased the I&P limits for the following occupation classes and age ranges:

  • Physician applicants ages 18-55 in occupation classes 5P, 4P, 4S and 3P can now apply for monthly benefits as high as $30,000.
  • Occupation class 5A and 4A applicants ages 18-64 can now apply for up to $35,000 in monthly coverage.
  • Applicants for new policies and policyowners applying for coverage increases are eligible for the new issue and participation limits.

Here Are Our Latest Coverage Amounts:

Issue AgeMonthly Coverage
Maximum Issue From The StandardMaximum Participation
With Other Carriers' IDI CoverageWith Group LTD From Other Carriers and/or The Standard1
5A, 4A18-64$35,000$35,000$35,000
5P, 4P,
4S, 3P
3D, 2P18-55$20,000$30,000$35,000
A, B18-64$8,000$8,000$10,000

1 When long-term disability coverage is employer-paid, it may net a higher participation amount than published.

With these recent changes, you can help bring peace of mind for your customers. Provide them a product that reduces their risk of having too little income in case of a disabling event.

Check out The Standard's IDI Product Guide for more details, including updated maximum benefit amounts in relation to income. Please contact your regional director if you have questions.

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