20194 SI/SNY |
Administrative Guide
23356 SI/SNY |
Agency Launch Electronic Medical Questionnaire Flyer
21286 SI SNY |
Application Completion Helpful Tips
SI 21320 |
At a Glance: Protector Platinum GSI vs. Platinum Advantage GSI (CA)
SI 21285 |
At a Glance: Protector Platinum vs. Platinum Advantage (CA)
18312 SI/SNY |
Benefit Increase Rider Flyer
SI 1062 |
Business Equity Protector Policy Summary
SI 1060 |
Business Equity Protector Sample Policy
SI 1060 CA |
Business Equity Protector Sample Policy (CA)
SI 1008 |
Business Overhead Protector Policy Summary
SI 1008 CA |
Business Overhead Protector Policy Summary Brochure (CA)
SI 1010 |
Business Overhead Protector Sample Policy
SI 1010 CA |
Business Overhead Protector Sample Policy (CA)
SI 12232 |
Business Owner Rewards Flyer
SNY 12232 |
Business Owner Rewards Flyer (NY)
SI 1063 |
Buy-Out Agreement Sample
SI 15608 PPT |
Buy/Sell Funding Disability Insurance Presentation
SI 18653 CA |
CA Protector Platinum vs. Platinum Advantage Comparison
14319 SI/SNY |
Claims Paid by The Standard Flyer
19333 SI/SNY |
Conditional Receipt by Credit Card or EFT Instructions
18682 SI/SNY |
Customized Approach to Implementing Ready Enroll Flyer
SI 2287 |
DI Buy/Sell Funding Insurance Presentation for Business Owners
15133 SI/SNY |
Disability Insurance Awareness Month Flyer
17152 SI/SNY |
DocFast Frequently Asked Questions Flyer
18275 SI/SNY |
DocFast Key Advantages Flyer
17355 SI/SNY |
DocFast Overview Flyer
21657 SI/SNY |
Easy Implementation for GSI Flyer
23301 SI/SNY |
Electronic Medical Questionnaire Producers Starting Guide
17310 PPT SI/SNY |
Electronic Policy Delivery_Better Safer Faster
17467 SI/SNY |
Exclusions Explained
14507 PPT SI/SNY |
Exercising Future Purchase Options Training Presentation
SI 19154 |
Family Care Benefit Flyer
SI 19961 |
Family Care Benefit Video
18680 SI/SNY |
First-Time User Guide for Ready Enroll Flyer
17887 SI/SNY |
Framing Up IDI as Income Protection Slideshare
17343 SI/SNY |
Future Purchase Option FAQ Flyer
23304 SI/SNY |
Getting Started With Electronic Medical Questionnaire Interactive Brochure
13409 PPT SI/SNY |
GSI 101 Presentation
16770 SI/SNY |
GSI Administrative Brochure for Employers
15409 SI/SNY |
GSI Annual Renewal Increases Flyer
23512 SI/SNY |
GSI eDelivery Guide
14950 PPT SI/SNY |
GSI Essential Elements of Successful Cases Presentation
GSI Ready Enroll Video
SI 18890CA |
GSI: Protector Platinum vs. Platinum Advantage (CA)
18236 SI/SNY |
Help Protect Your Business Video
18234 SI/SNY |
Help Protect Your Lifestyle Video
18235 SI/SNY |
Help Protect Your Paycheck Video
13047 SI/SNY |
How to File a Claim Flyer
9251 SI/SNY |
IDI Online Reference Product Guide
18015 SI/SNY |
IDI Premium Discounts Flyer
SI 12645 PPT |
IDI Products for Small Business Owners Presentation
21469 SI SNY |
Income Documentation Requirements Flyer (Consumers)
14162 SI/SNY |
Income Documentation Requirements Flyer (Producers)
15082 PPT SI/SNY |
Income Protection 101 Presentation
15602 SI/SNY |
Income Protection and the Military FAQ Flyer
12208 SI/SNY |
Income Protection Approach Letter Template
12209 OCC SI/SNY |
Income Protection Approach Letter Template (Customizable for Occupation)
SI 12209 |
Income Protection Approach Letter Template to Business Owners
SNY 12209 |
Income Protection Approach Letter Template to Business Owners (NY)
12208 LTD SI/SNY |
Income Protection Approach Letter Template With LTD
21604 SI/SNY |
Income Protection Easy Answer Cards
21633 SI/SNY |
Income Protection Insurance for Attorneys
SI 21242 |
Income Protection Insurance for Attorneys Flyer
SNY 21242 |
Income Protection Insurance for Attorneys Flyer (NY)
SI 21242FIN |
Income Protection Insurance for Financial Firms Flyer
SI 21242FIN CA |
Income Protection Insurance for Financial Firms Flyer (CA)
SNY 21242FIN |
Income Protection Insurance for Financial Firms Flyer (NY)
SI 21242OIL |
Income Protection Insurance for Oil and Gas Firms Flyer
SNY 21242OIL |
Income Protection Insurance for Oil and Gas Firms Flyer (NY)
SI 21242TECH |
Income Protection Insurance for Tech Firms Flyer
SI 21242TECH-CA |
Income Protection Insurance for Tech Firms Flyer (CA)
SNY 21242TECH |
Income Protection Insurance for Tech Firms Flyer (NY)
14908 SI/SNY |
Income Protection Introduction Flyer
15424 SI/SNY |
Income Protection Introduction Flyer for Business Owners
17232 PPT SI/SNY |
Income Protection Introduction Presentation
15403 SI/SNY |
Income Protection Introduction with Income Calculator Brochure
16360 SI/SNY |
Income Protection Introduction with Monthly Expenses Worksheet Flyer
17805 SI/SNY |
Income Protection Matters Infographic for Consumers
17721 SI/SNY |
Income Protection Matters Infographic for Producers
23507 SI/SNY |
Increase Option eApp Interactive Guide
23258 SI/SNY |
Interactive Applications Overview Brochure
21604N SI/SNY |
Interactive Income Protection Easy Answers Brochure
22775 SI/SNY |
Interactive New Producer Brochure
22555 SI/SNY |
Interactive Platinum Advantage Consumer Brochure
19002N SI/SNY |
Interactive Platinum Advantage Easy Answers Brochure
15080 MPPT SI/SNY |
Mandatory GSI vs LTD Comparison for Employers
12244 SI/SNY |
Medical Underwriting Requirements Flyer
14744 SI/SNY |
Modified Offers Flyer
13929 PPT SI/SNY |
Modified Offers Presentation
12797 SI/SNY |
Multi-Life Discount Flyer for Employees
17055 SI/SNY |
Multi-Life Discounts Availability by State and Product
SI 19332 |
Non-Compact States Platinum Advantage Annotated Sample Policy (FL, MT, ND, SD, WY)
19496 SI/SNY |
Non-Compact States Platinum Advantage Consumer Brochure (FL, MT, NY, ND, SD, WY)
SI 19331 |
Non-Compact States Platinum Advantage GSI Annotated Sample Policy (FL, MT, ND, SD, WY)
19497 SI/SNY |
Non-Compact States Platinum Advantage GSI Brochure for Employers (CA, FL, MT, NY, ND, SD, WY)
19327 SI/SNY |
Non-Compact States Platinum Advantage Policy Differences Comparison (CA, FL, MT, NY, ND, SD, WY)
SI 21417 |
Physician Claims Paid by The Standard Flyer
18239 SI/SNY |
Pivot the Conversation from Financial Planning to IDI Video
18238 SI/SNY |
Pivot the Conversation from Health Insurance to IDI Video
18237 SI/SNY |
Pivot the Conversation from Life Insurance to IDI Video
SI 18468 |
Platinum Advantage Annotated Sample Policy
SI 21236 |
Platinum Advantage Annotated Sample Policy (CA)
SNY 19814 |
Platinum Advantage Annotated Sample Policy (NY)
SI 18575 |
Platinum Advantage Consumer Brochure
SI 18575CA |
Platinum Advantage Consumer Brochure (CA)
19002E SI/SNY |
Platinum Advantage Easy Answer Cards
SI 22790 |
Platinum Advantage for Business Owners Interactive Brochure
22798 SI/SNY |
Platinum Advantage for Physicians Interactive Brochure
20620 SI SNY |
Platinum Advantage for Residents
SI 18469 |
Platinum Advantage GSI Annotated Sample Policy
SI 21240 |
Platinum Advantage GSI Annotated Sample Policy (CA)
SNY 19813 |
Platinum Advantage GSI Annotated Sample Policy (NY)
19678 SI/SNY |
Platinum Advantage GSI Employer Flyer
SI 19678CA |
Platinum Advantage GSI Employer Flyer (CA)
SI 16655-ADV |
Platinum Advantage GSI Overview Brochure for Employers
19675 SI/SNY |
Platinum Advantage GSI Quick Guide
19165 SI/SNY |
Platinum Advantage Introduction Flyer
SI 19165CA |
Platinum Advantage Introduction Flyer (CA)
19165 DEN SI/SNY |
Platinum Advantage Introduction Flyer for Dentists
19165 MED SI/SNY |
Platinum Advantage Introduction Flyer for Medical Professionals
19165 VET SI/SNY |
Platinum Advantage Introduction Flyer for Veterinary Professionals
18527 SI/SNY |
Platinum Advantage Marketing Flyer
SI 18842 |
Platinum Advantage Producer Bonus Program Flyer
19519 SI/SNY |
Platinum Advantage Residual Rider Comparison Flyer
23917 SI/SNY |
Policy eDelivery for GSI
8486 SI/SNY |
Pre-Application Discussion Topics With Prospects Flyer
23427 SI/SNY |
Producers Launch Electronic Medical Questionnaire
SI 18890 |
Protector Platinum GSI vs. Platinum Advantage GSI Comparison
SI 18653 |
Protector Platinum vs. Platinum Advantage Comparison
18683 SI/SNY |
Ready Enroll Simplifies Online Enrollment Flyer
18684 SI/SNY |
Ready Enroll Timeline Flyer
SI 8185 |
Requirements for Using The Standard Name and Logos
SNY 8185 |
Requirements for Using The Standard Name and Logos (NY)
23262 SI/SNY |
Residual Riders Interactive Brochure
17825 SI/SNY |
Selling to Small-Business Clients Presentation
16250 SI/SNY |
Simplified Underwriting Flyer
SI 19112 |
Student Loan Rider Flyer
17166 SI/SNY |
Target Millennials Infographic
16459 SI/SNY |
TeleApp - What to Expect Flyer
16501 SI/SNY |
TeleApp Instructions Flyer
14928 PPT SI/SNY |
TeleApp Overview Presentation
21052 SI/SNY |
The Standard eApp Flyer
21451 |
The Standard Financial Strength
16255 SI/SNY |
The Standard Guaranteed Renewable Flyer
21445 SI SNY |
Underwriting Guide