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Date: November 13, 2017
Are parents who welcome a new foster child eligible for New York Paid Family Leave? What about births in 2017? See who can take covered time off to bond.
Date: November 9, 2017
With employees and employers alike calling for change, here’s what you need to know to stay current on the ever-changing topic of paid family leave.
Date: October 26, 2017
It’s important to help make the connection for your management team that their employees’ productivity can be affected by a health condition.
Date: October 16, 2017

Looking for a way to explain Paid Family Leave to employees? Check out this short video and handy flyer — two resources that highlight the basics to help employees understand PFL.

Date: October 12, 2017
Talking to an employee about his or her health condition in the workplace can be tricky. While it can be a difficult task, it’s one of the most important.
Date: October 2, 2017
New York's Paid Family Leave is designed as an employee-funded program, subject to rate limits and an annual cap. If that sounds like a complicated scenario, relax — we've got you covered. Find the details here.
Date: September 28, 2017
Workplace Possibilities consultants understand the potential setbacks an employee with a comorbid condition could face and can help you address them proactively to encourage an employee’s safe return to work.
Date: September 14, 2017
While you can’t always plan for the unexpected, your organization can positively impact what may be a challenging time for an employee by ensuring you have the right disability program in place.
Date: September 11, 2017
Make New York Paid Family Leave a no-surprise zone by accomplishing these tasks now.
Date: September 8, 2017
You could be handling employees on PFL as early as January. Here’s a look at what you’ll be working with.
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