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Workplace Possibilities℠ Blog

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Work and where we do it continues to challenge employers as we wrap up year two of the pandemic. How can you best support employees in all work scenarios? And how can the right disability insurance carrier enhance your support?
Employees who feel supported may be less likely to leave their jobs. See how strong disability management can help.

Employees working from home due to social distancing? Smart policy — but there’s a big potential for poor ergonomics. Use these tips for better laptop posture to help remote employees avoid discomfort and stay productive.

Sit-stand desks continue to be the accommodation “flavor of the month.” But are they letting people down? There’s an alternative solution that likely doesn't include any new equipment — movement.

These five steps may help ensure your employees are receiving tailored accommodations to fit their individual medical needs and keep them productive in the workplace.
When considering how to accommodate an employee who is experiencing back pain, it is important to attempt to answer several questions to help assess the situation.
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