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Win Over Business Owners With Exclusive Upgrades

Help business owners protect themselves, their families and their businesses. Tell them about individual disability insurance from The Standard. Then win them over with discounts, upgrades and coverage increases built just for them.

Individual Disability Insurance for Business Owners

Keep Yourself and Your Business Healthy

Gabe D’Angelo, owner of D’Angelo Engineering
Age: 45
Policies: Business Overhead Protector, Platinum Advantage

Gabe D’Angelo is the visionary behind his boutique engineering firm’s success. Luckily, his vision extended to protecting his company’s future with a Business Overhead Protector policy from The Standard.

After Gabe fractured his spine while skiing, his disability kept him out of work for almost a year. His policy reimbursed most of his overhead expenses, including office rent, utilities and employee wages. The policy even covered the salary of the manager who took Gabe’s place while he was recovering.

Thanks to Business Overhead Protector, his firm stayed healthy and Gabe could fully recover — without worrying about keeping the lights on.

Gabe also protected himself with Platinum Advantage income protection insurance from The Standard. He received monthly benefits while he was fully disabled and recovery benefits when he returned to work until his income recovered, too.

This example is for illustrative purposes only.

Business Owner Rewards for Personal Income Protection

The Earned Income Enhancer offers up to $2,000 in additional coverage to business owners. Sometimes, business owners need to protect more than their earned income. We’ll increase their earned income by 20% to calculate insurable income, up to $2,000 subject to issue and participation limits. Business owners must show two years of financial success and own at least 20% of the business.

The Business Owner Discount provides a 10% discount on Platinum Advantage. Who qualifies for this discount? Business owners who have been financially successful for two years, own at least 20% of the business and have at least one full-time equivalent employee.1 Plus, they may qualify for more discounts — such as the Preferred Occupation Discount, Employer-Based Multi-Life Discount or Multi-Product Discount — for up to 35% in premium savings. See the Premium Discounts flyer for ways to combine discounts and save big.

Business owners who’ve started a business in the last year may be eligible for coverage. Business owners must have at least three years of experience in the same field. We’ll check historical W-2 earnings to determine coverage.

Business Owner Rewards for Business Protection

Qualified business owners can upgrade their occupation class when they buy Business Overhead ProtectorSM or Business Equity ProtectorSM. This can result in more coverage, more rider options and reduced premiums.  

Buy Business Overhead Protector and qualify for one more upgrade — in addition to the one mentioned above. Get a 10% discount on gender-distinct rates for those already at 5A, the top occupation class.

Business owners in their first year of business can get up to a $10,000 Business Overhead Protector monthly benefit with documented expenses.

For more information, see the The Standard’s online reference product guide or Business Rewards flyer (New York version).

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