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Go to Filters Results Displaying 146 results
Form Number Title
20194 SI/SNY Administrative Guide
23356 SI/SNY Agency Launch Electronic Medical Questionnaire Flyer
21286 SI SNY Application Completion Helpful Tips
SI 21320 At a Glance: Protector Platinum GSI vs. Platinum Advantage GSI (CA)
SI 21285 At a Glance: Protector Platinum vs. Platinum Advantage (CA)
18312 SI/SNY Benefit Increase Rider Flyer
SI 1062 Business Equity Protector Policy Summary
SI 1060 Business Equity Protector Sample Policy
SI 1060 CA Business Equity Protector Sample Policy (CA)
SI 1008 Business Overhead Protector Policy Summary
SI 1008 CA Business Overhead Protector Policy Summary Brochure (CA)
SI 1010 Business Overhead Protector Sample Policy
SI 1010 CA Business Overhead Protector Sample Policy (CA)
SI 12232 Business Owner Rewards Flyer
SNY 12232 Business Owner Rewards Flyer (NY)
SI 1063 Buy-Out Agreement Sample
SI 15608 PPT Buy/Sell Funding Disability Insurance Presentation
SI 18653 CA CA Protector Platinum vs. Platinum Advantage Comparison
14319 SI/SNY Claims Paid by The Standard Flyer
19333 SI/SNY Conditional Receipt by Credit Card or EFT Instructions
18682 SI/SNY Customized Approach to Implementing Ready Enroll Flyer
SI 2287 DI Buy/Sell Funding Insurance Presentation for Business Owners
15133 SI/SNY Disability Insurance Awareness Month Flyer
17152 SI/SNY DocFast Frequently Asked Questions Flyer
18275 SI/SNY DocFast Key Advantages Flyer
17355 SI/SNY DocFast Overview Flyer
21657 SI/SNY Easy Implementation for GSI Flyer
23301 SI/SNY Electronic Medical Questionnaire Producers Starting Guide
17310 PPT SI/SNY Electronic Policy Delivery_Better Safer Faster
17467 SI/SNY Exclusions Explained
14507 PPT SI/SNY Exercising Future Purchase Options Training Presentation
SI 19154 Family Care Benefit Flyer
SI 19961 Family Care Benefit Video
18680 SI/SNY First-Time User Guide for Ready Enroll Flyer
17887 SI/SNY Framing Up IDI as Income Protection Slideshare
17343 SI/SNY Future Purchase Option FAQ Flyer
23304 SI/SNY Getting Started With Electronic Medical Questionnaire Interactive Brochure
13409 PPT SI/SNY GSI 101 Presentation
16770 SI/SNY GSI Administrative Brochure for Employers
15409 SI/SNY GSI Annual Renewal Increases Flyer
23512 SI/SNY GSI eDelivery Guide
14950 PPT SI/SNY GSI Essential Elements of Successful Cases Presentation
GSI VIDEO GSI Ready Enroll Video
SI 18890CA GSI: Protector Platinum vs. Platinum Advantage (CA)
18236 SI/SNY Help Protect Your Business Video
18234 SI/SNY Help Protect Your Lifestyle Video
18235 SI/SNY Help Protect Your Paycheck Video
13047 SI/SNY How to File a Claim Flyer
9251 SI/SNY IDI Online Reference Product Guide
18015 SI/SNY IDI Premium Discounts Flyer
SI 12645 PPT IDI Products for Small Business Owners Presentation
21469 SI SNY Income Documentation Requirements Flyer (Consumers)
14162 SI/SNY Income Documentation Requirements Flyer (Producers)
15082 PPT SI/SNY Income Protection 101 Presentation
15602 SI/SNY Income Protection and the Military FAQ Flyer
12208 SI/SNY Income Protection Approach Letter Template
12209 OCC SI/SNY Income Protection Approach Letter Template (Customizable for Occupation)
SI 12209 Income Protection Approach Letter Template to Business Owners
SNY 12209 Income Protection Approach Letter Template to Business Owners (NY)
12208 LTD SI/SNY Income Protection Approach Letter Template With LTD
21604 SI/SNY Income Protection Easy Answer Cards
21633 SI/SNY Income Protection Insurance for Attorneys
SI 21242 Income Protection Insurance for Attorneys Flyer
SNY 21242 Income Protection Insurance for Attorneys Flyer (NY)
SI 21242FIN Income Protection Insurance for Financial Firms Flyer
SI 21242FIN CA Income Protection Insurance for Financial Firms Flyer (CA)
SNY 21242FIN Income Protection Insurance for Financial Firms Flyer (NY)
SI 21242OIL Income Protection Insurance for Oil and Gas Firms Flyer
SNY 21242OIL Income Protection Insurance for Oil and Gas Firms Flyer (NY)
SI 21242TECH Income Protection Insurance for Tech Firms Flyer
SI 21242TECH-CA Income Protection Insurance for Tech Firms Flyer (CA)
SNY 21242TECH Income Protection Insurance for Tech Firms Flyer (NY)
14908 SI/SNY Income Protection Introduction Flyer
15424 SI/SNY Income Protection Introduction Flyer for Business Owners
17232 PPT SI/SNY Income Protection Introduction Presentation
15403 SI/SNY Income Protection Introduction with Income Calculator Brochure
16360 SI/SNY Income Protection Introduction with Monthly Expenses Worksheet Flyer
17805 SI/SNY Income Protection Matters Infographic for Consumers
17721 SI/SNY Income Protection Matters Infographic for Producers
23507 SI/SNY Increase Option eApp Interactive Guide
23258 SI/SNY Interactive Applications Overview Brochure
21604N SI/SNY Interactive Income Protection Easy Answers Brochure
22775 SI/SNY Interactive New Producer Brochure
22555 SI/SNY Interactive Platinum Advantage Consumer Brochure
19002N SI/SNY Interactive Platinum Advantage Easy Answers Brochure
15080 MPPT SI/SNY Mandatory GSI vs LTD Comparison for Employers
12244 SI/SNY Medical Underwriting Requirements Flyer
14744 SI/SNY Modified Offers Flyer
13929 PPT SI/SNY Modified Offers Presentation
12797 SI/SNY Multi-Life Discount Flyer for Employees
17055 SI/SNY Multi-Life Discounts Availability by State and Product
SI 19332 Non-Compact States Platinum Advantage Annotated Sample Policy (FL, MT, ND, SD, WY)
19496 SI/SNY Non-Compact States Platinum Advantage Consumer Brochure (FL, MT, NY, ND, SD, WY)
SI 19331 Non-Compact States Platinum Advantage GSI Annotated Sample Policy (FL, MT, ND, SD, WY)
19497 SI/SNY Non-Compact States Platinum Advantage GSI Brochure for Employers (CA, FL, MT, NY, ND, SD, WY)
19327 SI/SNY Non-Compact States Platinum Advantage Policy Differences Comparison (CA, FL, MT, NY, ND, SD, WY)
SI 21417 Physician Claims Paid by The Standard Flyer
18239 SI/SNY Pivot the Conversation from Financial Planning to IDI Video
18238 SI/SNY Pivot the Conversation from Health Insurance to IDI Video
18237 SI/SNY Pivot the Conversation from Life Insurance to IDI Video
SI 18468 Platinum Advantage Annotated Sample Policy
SI 21236 Platinum Advantage Annotated Sample Policy (CA)
SNY 19814 Platinum Advantage Annotated Sample Policy (NY)
SI 18575 Platinum Advantage Consumer Brochure
SI 18575CA Platinum Advantage Consumer Brochure (CA)
19002E SI/SNY Platinum Advantage Easy Answer Cards
SI 22790 Platinum Advantage for Business Owners Interactive Brochure
22798 SI/SNY Platinum Advantage for Physicians Interactive Brochure
20620 SI SNY Platinum Advantage for Residents
SI 18469 Platinum Advantage GSI Annotated Sample Policy
SI 21240 Platinum Advantage GSI Annotated Sample Policy (CA)
SNY 19813 Platinum Advantage GSI Annotated Sample Policy (NY)
19678 SI/SNY Platinum Advantage GSI Employer Flyer
SI 19678CA Platinum Advantage GSI Employer Flyer (CA)
SI 16655-ADV Platinum Advantage GSI Overview Brochure for Employers
19675 SI/SNY Platinum Advantage GSI Quick Guide
19165 SI/SNY Platinum Advantage Introduction Flyer
SI 19165CA Platinum Advantage Introduction Flyer (CA)
19165 DEN SI/SNY Platinum Advantage Introduction Flyer for Dentists
19165 MED SI/SNY Platinum Advantage Introduction Flyer for Medical Professionals
19165 VET SI/SNY Platinum Advantage Introduction Flyer for Veterinary Professionals
18527 SI/SNY Platinum Advantage Marketing Flyer
SI 18842 Platinum Advantage Producer Bonus Program Flyer
19519 SI/SNY Platinum Advantage Residual Rider Comparison Flyer
23917 SI/SNY Policy eDelivery for GSI
8486 SI/SNY Pre-Application Discussion Topics With Prospects Flyer
23427 SI/SNY Producers Launch Electronic Medical Questionnaire
SI 18890 Protector Platinum GSI vs. Platinum Advantage GSI Comparison
SI 18653 Protector Platinum vs. Platinum Advantage Comparison
18683 SI/SNY Ready Enroll Simplifies Online Enrollment Flyer
18684 SI/SNY Ready Enroll Timeline Flyer
SI 8185 Requirements for Using The Standard Name and Logos
SNY 8185 Requirements for Using The Standard Name and Logos (NY)
23262 Residual Riders Interactive Brochure
17825 SI/SNY Selling to Small-Business Clients Presentation
16250 SI/SNY Simplified Underwriting Flyer
16013 SI/SNY Six Steps to Selling GSI Flyer
SI 19112 Student Loan Rider Flyer
17166 SI/SNY Target Millennials Infographic
16459 SI/SNY TeleApp - What to Expect Flyer
16501 SI/SNY TeleApp Instructions Flyer
14928 PPT SI/SNY TeleApp Overview Presentation
21052 SI/SNY The Standard eApp Flyer
21451 The Standard Financial Strength
16255 SI/SNY The Standard Guaranteed Renewable Flyer
21445 SI SNY Underwriting Guide
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