Whether your core expertise is in life insurance, health insurance or financial services, you can enhance your clients’ planning by introducing individual disability insurance — and potentially add a supplementary revenue source for yourself.
Disability — and the resultant income loss — is much more common than your clients might believe. Approximately every seven seconds, a working-age American suffers a disabling injury or illness that will last for at least one month.1 Your clients may not only be un- or under-insured, but they may be unaware of the gap and what they can do to bridge it. While you may recognize your clients’ need for IDI, perhaps you're not sure how to effectively propose it.
There is a logical path to bring up IDI. The key is to begin with the topic you know best and then transition the conversation. These three short videos show you how easy it can be to pivot your discussion to income protection. Give the conversation starters a try.
Life Insurance
IDI can provide additional protection for your clients' families.
Health Insurance
Health insurance and IDI go hand in hand. Suggest safeguarding revenue streams to pay the bills.
Your clients' ability to earn an income may be their most valuable resource.