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Volunteer Expo

Find Your Way to Give and Give Back

The Standard’s Volunteer Expo is Oregon’s largest gathering of nonprofits, volunteers and donors. Every fall, the Expo brings people together with organizations in one place to discover volunteer service and donation opportunities. The free event helps members of our community discover opportunities that fit their skills and interests.

Volunteer Expo 2024

Join the movement to make our communities a better place. At the 2024 Volunteer Expo, you can meet in person with nonprofits that need your skills and support.

Thursday, Sept. 5, 2024
11 a.m. – 2 p.m. Pacific
Pioneer Courthouse Square
Portland, Oregon

Volunteer Opportunities All Year Long

Don’t wait until the next expo to get involved. Opportunities to give back to the Portland-metro community are available year-round. Whether you're looking to volunteer once or long term, you can find the right match for your talents and interests.

Participating organizations represent the arts, culture, humanities, the environment, animal welfare, health, human services and more.

Make an Impact

The Volunteer Expo is a pillar of The Standard's Employee Giving Campaign. This year-round initiative encourages employees to donate to support schools and nonprofit organizations.

The Standard and our parent organization Meiji Yasuda double match employee contributions. In 2023, we raised more than $5.5 million for more than 2,562 organizations during the Employee Giving Campaign.


Years we’ve connected volunteers with nonprofits at the Volunteer Expo


Number of local nonprofits we host and support at the event

Find Your Community

“The Volunteer Expo allows so many more people to get exposed to the nonprofits in our community and find ways to get into volunteer service and find their community.”
Brandi Tuck
Executive Director, Path Home

Search Directory of Nonprofits

Displaying 116 - 120 of 161 results

Portland Radio Project is your non-profit community radio station, closely tuned in to PDX
Our mission is to elevate local artists and organizations through streaming, broadcasting and podcasting, engaging new generations of arts lovers and community supporters.
America’s First Youth Orchestra
Founded in 1924, Portland Youth Philharmonic was the first Youth Orchestra in the nation. PYP’s programs include 4 large ensembles of 300 youth ages 9-21 and a robust series of community programs serving 10,000 more primarily through public schools.
Portland YouthBuilders: Building communities. Building lives.
Portland YouthBuilders provides high school completion, vocational training and long-term support to help youth change their lives and become leaders in the community.
Strengthening Families to Prevent Child Abuse and Neglect
Prevent Child Abuse Oregon (PCAO), a provisional chapter of PCA America, is on a mission to strengthen families in order to prevent child abuse.
Everyone deserves a place to call home.
REACH's mission is to create quality, affordable housing and opportunities for individuals, families and communities to thrive.
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