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Date: May 21, 2021
We’re happy to announce that the Basic Residual Disability Rider is now available in California for fully underwritten and GSI Platinum Advantage policies. With this addition, producers can offer more coverage choices and pricing flexibility.
Date: March 17, 2021
Effective Mar. 17, 2021, lab and exams aren't required for many applicants age 50 and younger.
Date: January 6, 2021
Our TeleApp vendor, originally named LifePlans, is now called LTCG. We’ve updated our TeleApp marketing materials to reflect this name change as well as added functionality introduced over the last year.
Date: January 6, 2021
Joe Boland is our newest sales consultant! Joe has more than 15 years of insurance industry experience with the past eight years 100% focused on disability insurance. Please join us in welcoming Joe to The Standard.
Date: November 4, 2020
Looking to set up an electronic signature account for The Standard’s applications? Remember that the account owner — or a person authorized to sign legal contracts for the account owner — must submit an Electronic Transaction Certification. This will start the approval process for the account. We’ve updated our instructions to clarify who can sign the form.
Date: September 2, 2020
With just a few months left in the year, now’s the perfect time to take stock of sales. You’ll soon receive reports that detail current sales for you and your top producers. Use the reports to make sure you’re on track to maintain or increase your MGA compensation band – and to determine if your top producers can reach the Producer Bonus thresholds.
Date: May 18, 2020
We’re always looking for ways to enhance our online underwriting toolkit. Our newest capability — LabPiQture — searches a database of lab tests to find information needed to complete underwriting. This speeds up underwriting and allows us to make income protection offers to your clients sooner.
Date: May 6, 2020
In the current COVID-19 environment, a solid social media presence is essential. Our Social Media Toolkit and LinkedIn Best Practices can help you and your producers raise your social profile. Plus, May’s Disability Insurance Awareness Month provides a perfect opportunity to reach out to potential new brokers and clients.
Date: April 29, 2020
COVID-19 is prompting an increase in questions from our customers. In response, The Standard has created an online COVID-19 Resource Center where customers can find answers to common questions. We’re regularly updating the Individual Disability section of the Resource Center so be sure to check back for more details.
Date: April 29, 2020
In the current environment, video messages from you and your producers can add a personal touch to client communications. We’re sharing best practices, instructions and important reminders to help you create personal videos.
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